Chicago MommyCon 2017
Chicago MommyCon 2017! If you have ever thought about going to MommyCon, let me tell you a little bit about my experience! I have been wanting experience MommyCon for a few years and it finally worked out! I am also lucky enough to live within 30 minutes of...
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Saint Patty’s Day Crock Pot Corned Beef
We only have a little Irish background in our house, but I'm all about creating and celebrating new traditions! I have never made a Corned Beef Brisket in my life and probably ate it all of two times. I was anxious to ruin a new and potentially amazing tradition, so I...
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Toddler Travel: Don’t Be Afraid!
Two parents, two grandparents, one toddler, two four-hour flights. Here is how we survived and even had a happy family experience through it! I could not have done it without wonderful friends who have been there and were more than willing to share their knowledge....
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Seared Chicken with Roasted Honeynut Squash & Garlic Rice
Blue Apron's Seared Chicken with Roasted Honeynut Squash & Garlic Rice Cook Time Makes Nutrition 20-30mins 2 Servings Est. 620 Cal. Ingredients 2 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts ½ Cup Long Grain White Rice 3 Cloves Garlic 1 Honeynut...
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Make Time for Things you Love – JORD Wood Watches
As 2016 comes to end, I can't help but reflect on the year: amazing times, rough times, hilarious times, and fun times. Every single one of my favorite memories has my family and friends imprinted. We celebrated a lot of accomplishments this year: My daughter took her...
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Easy Little Holiday Wreath
Yes! Finally! I have seen so many cute ornament wreaths around lately. I have made mine, remade mine and remade mine again. I finally got this one that way I wanted it, so I thought I'd share! Save yourself some time, and learn from my mistakes along the way!...
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Have yourself a merry little photo shoot!
Ever thought about being a photographer for a day? Today's a great day! All you need is some wrapping paper, a box, and maybe some ribbon. 1) Grab a roll of wrapping paper and tape the loose end to a tall, flat surface. I used our breakfast bar. You could also use a...
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My Favorite Holiday Gifts!
My Top Unique and Amazing Holiday Gifts for this Season! During the holiday season, supporting small businesses is one of my highest priorities. There are countless reasons to do so, but my favorite aspects of them are (1) customer service is more personalized...
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Stuffed Delicata Squash
Blue Apron's Stuffed Delicata Squash Ingredients 2 Cloves Garlic 1 Delicata Squash 1 Yellow Onion ½ Pound Broccoli 3 Tablespoons Golden Raisins 2 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar 1½ Tablespoons Sugar ⅓ Cup Red Quinoa ¼ Cup Crumbled Goat Cheese 1 Prep...
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Yep! My Little One’s Ears are Pierced!
After months of contemplating: to pierce or not to pierce... we went for it and could not be happier! If we are ever blessed with another daughter, we would do it again in a heartbeat! First of all, I come from a family with many ear-piercing related issues. As a kid,...
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