I recently had a realization…we spend WAY too much money on groceries! Yet, if you’re going to spend money on something, what is more important to invest in than what you put in your body? So, let’s conquer both of these worlds at Aldi. I know I know, changing up a routine that you have been doing for years and years can sound scary, daunting, and just overall lame, especially when it comes to…*dramatic pause*…unknown generic brands! Yikes! So, I have been learning how to grocery shop all over again and Aldi is a HUGE part of it.

  1. Little Journey Organic Baby Pouches


I don’t know about your kiddos, but my two year old recently decided that a veggie strike would be entertaining (and super annoying for mom and dad). But the joke’s on her this round because every baby pouch that she loves has veggies in it! They do make all fruit pouches that are delicious as well, but this family needs those veggies now. When there is no artificial colors or flavors, no added sugar *ding! ding! ding!* and only costs $0.79 per pouch, you can’t go wrong. My daughter loves them and therefor, so do I! We definitely found a new staple with Little Journey!

fullsizerender-52. Little Journey Hypoallergenic Diapers

Every mama out there has diaper faves and foes, but these ones are worth a try if your open to a change! There probably isn’t a parent out there that hasn’t uttered the phrase, “diapers are so expensive”… and what a boring essential to spend money on! For the past year, we have exclusively used Target diapers with their low cost, deals, and coupon stacking but when Aldi introduced their line of hypoallergenic, diapers and wipes that are made with vitamin C and aloe…you try it. We found they are wonderful and even less expensive regardless of all of the coupon stacking in the world!

3. Simply Nature Organic Shells & White Cheddar

Did I mention that my daughter is on a veggie strike? Well, here is fullsizerender-5-copy-2
another way to sneak some veggies in. Turns out broccoli and peas smothered in cheese and accompanied by noodles are way more welcomed than plain broccoli and peas. Ok Ok, I don’t really blame our little one for this preference at all. What’s even better? Aldi’s Simply Nature Shells & White Cheddar is all organic, has no artificial preservatives, and is a good source of calcium. What if you don’t like it? Aldi gives double guarantee where they will replace the product and refund our money. You literally have nothing to lose. So, go ahead, give it a try!


4. Simply Nature Organic Ketchupfullsizerender-5-copy-3

It’s just that simple. Aldi’s Simply Organic Ketchup is 100% organic contains no preservatives and no artificial flavorings. Who needs added high fructose cornsyrup? YUK. Oh, and once more, it’s affordable AND delicious! Crazy, right? Who would have thought that was possible? This product really is great for the whole family. I know my daughter will eat just a little more or everything if we through in a bit of organic ketchup for some extra excitement in a meal. And us parents can feel just that much better about what is on our plates.

5. Produce! Produce! Produce!img_0240

Just like any expensive or discount grocery store, you have to take some responsibly in your fresh produce selection. So, if something doesn’t look great, don’t pick that one because chances are…it probably isn’t great. But overall, their prices are amazing by comparison, their produce selection is good, and the quality  that you are looking for is definitely there for you and all of your loved ones! They even offer organic options at a great price as well. Again, if you’re going to spend money, what’s better to invest in that your body? But, if we can do it a little cheaper, you won’t here me complain!

Happy shopping & saving! XO

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